Hanukkah Donut


  • Crema Lusso - ½ cup

  • Water - 3 tbsp

  • Instant Yeast - 1 packet (2 ¼ tsp)

  • Cup Sugar - ⅓ cup

  • Eggs - 3

  • Nutmeg - ¼ tsp (ground fresh)

  • Flour 3 ½ cups

  • Salt - 1 tsp

  • Butter - ½ cup (soft)


Step 1

Mix Crema Lusso with water and heat on the stove to about 100 degrees. Add to a stand up mixer mixing bowl. Add yeast, sugar, eggs, nutmeg, flour, salt and mix to incorporate. Add butter. Mix on low speed for 3-5 minutes until a smooth surface is achieved. Place in a greased bowl and cover with cling wrap. Let rise for 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

Step 2

Roll out dough to about 1/4 -1/2 inch thickness. Using a cookie/biscuit cutter, cut dough into donut rounds. Place rounds on a cookie tray and cover with cling wrap for 1 hour. Preheat a pot of cooking oil to 350 degrees. Carefully place a few donuts in the oil so as not to overcrowd. Fry on each side about 2-4 minutes (until brown and cooked all the way through). Place on a cookie rack to cool. Fill with your filling of choice: strawberry jam, lemon curd, pastry cream.

Step 3

To fill your donut (In this example we use lemon curd) take the lemon curd and place it in a pastry bag with a small tip. Insert tip into the donut on the side (you may need to cut a small opening into the side of the donut and insert tip into the opening). Pipe in lemon curd until there is a nice amount inside of the donut (this will depend on the size of donut and your preference). Remove the tip and continue with the rest of the donuts. Top with powdered sugar and enjoy.


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