Black & White Toasted Sesame Ice Cream


For this Black and White Toasted Sesame Ice Cream, we infused the toasted black sesame flavor throughout the ice cream by cooking Crema Lusso and the toasted black sesame seeds on the stove together. From there, we added both a sweet and salty element– sweet white chocolate and salty pistachios!


  • 2 Tbsps Toasted Black Sesame Seeds

  • 2 Cups Crema Lusso

  • 1/4 Cup White Chocolate Chips

  • 2 Tbsps Pistachios


For Toasted Black Sesame Ice Cream

  1. Add Crema Lusso to a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add in the toasted black sesame seeds. 

  2. Stir the mixture until it comes to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and continue to stir the mixture for about two-three minutes until the ice cream has turned a light gray. 

  3. Now remove it from the heat and pour through a strainer to remove any film from the top. Scoop the sesame seeds out of the strainer (leave any film behind) and add the sesame seeds back to the ice cream mixture. 

  4. Place the ice cream mixture into the refrigerator for about 10 minutes or so to let it cool. 

  5. Once the ice cream mixture has cooled a bit, pour it through a strainer a second time and again, scoop the toasted sesame seeds out of the strainer and add them back into the ice cream mixture. 

  6. Place the lid on the container and freeze for at least four hours or until completely frozen.

  7. Once frozen, scoop and enjoy!

For Black & White Toasted Sesame Ice Cream

  1. Add the Crema Lusso to a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add in the toasted black sesame seeds. 

  2. Stir the mixture until it comes to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and continue to stir the mixture for about two-three minutes, until the ice cream has turned a light gray. 

  3. Now, remove it from the heat and pour it through a strainer to remove any film from the top. Scoop the sesame seeds out of the strainer (leave any film behind) and add the sesame seeds back to the ice cream mixture. 

  4. Place the ice cream mixture into the refrigerator for about 10 minutes or so to let it cool, before adding in the white chocolate. 

  5. Once the ice cream mixture has cooled a bit, pour it through a strainer a second timeand  again, scoop the toasted sesame seeds out of the strainer and add them back into the ice cream mixture.

  6. Sprinkle in the white chocolate and pistachios. 

  7. Place the lid on the container and freeze for at least four hours or until completely frozen.

  8. Once frozen, scoop and enjoy!


Blueberry Pancakes


Key Lime Pie Ice Cream